
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
J. Anderson1871Description of a new genus of newts from western Yunnan
H. E. Sauvage1876Sur quelques Batraciens de la Chine
A. C. L. G. Günther1889Third Contribution to our Knowledge of Reptiles and Fishes of the Upper Yangtze-Kiang
G. A. Boulenger1905Description of a new newt from Yunnan
G. A. Boulenger1920Observations sur un Batracien Urodèle d’Asie, Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson
M. Maki1922Notes on salamanders found in the island of formosa
E. R. Dunn1923The Salamanders of the Family Hynobiidae
M. A. Smith1924The tadpole of Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson
K. P. Schmidt1925New reptiles and a new salamander from China
W. Wolterstorff1926Ostasiatische Tritonen
C. H. Pope1931Notes on Amphibians from Fukien, Hainan, and other Parts of China
R. Bourret1934Notes herpétologiques sur l’Indochine fran{\c c}aise. VII. Une salamandre nouvelle vivant au Tonkin
W. Wolterstorff1934Über die Gattung Hypselotriton
T. K. Chang, Boring A. M.1935Studies in variation among the Chinese Amphibia I. Salamandridae
J. L. Gressitt1937Note on a collecting trip in southeastern China
W. Herre1939Studien an asiatischen und nordamerikanischen Salamandriden
C. H. Pope, Boring A. M.1940A survey of Chinese Amphibia
T. Seto1941The salamanders of Formosa
C. C. Liu1945Natural History Studies of West China Amphibia. IX. Life History of Batrachuperus pinchonii (David)
R. F. Inger1947Preliminary Survey of the Amphibians of the Riukiu islands
J. D. Romer1951Observations on the habits and life-history of the Chinese Newt, Cynops chinensis Gray
C. Liu, Hu, S., Yang, F.1960Amphibians from Wushan, Sichuan
C. Liu, Hu, S., Yang, F.1962Preliminary Report of Amphibia from Western Kweichow
G. E. Freytag1963Warzenmolche
K. M. Gyi1969The occurrence of Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson (1871) at Taunggyi, Burma
C. Liu, Hu, S., Fei, L., Huang, Z.1973On collections of amphibians from Hainan Island
S. Hu, Djao, E., Liu, C.1973A survey of amphibians and reptiles in Kweichow Province, including a herpetofaunal analysis
L. R. Liu1973盐源山溪鲵生态观察及其药用价值简报
E. D. Regel, Epstein S. M.1977External Morphology of the Larvae of Onychodactylus fischeri Boul., Hynobiidae
A. Moreascalchi, Odierna, G., Olmo, E.1977Karyological relationships between the cryptobranchid salamanders
Y. Utsunomiya, Utsunomiya, T., Kawachi, S.1978Some Ecological Observations of Tylototriton andersoni, a Terrestrial Salamander Occurring in the Tokunoshima Island
S. Hu, Fei, L., Ye, C.1978Three new amphibian species in China
M. Thant-Shima, Nakamura, A., Shimazu, H., Murao, S., Sugiyma, T.1979Possible usefulness of Burmese Newt, Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson, in teratogenesis studies
W. Bischoff, Böhme W.1980Zur Kenntnis von Paramesotriton caudopunctatus (Hu, Djao & Liu, 1973) n. comb. (Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae)
M. Sparreboom1981Een onbekende salamander uit China: Paramesotriton caudopunctatus
J. Zhu, Wei L.1981The karyotypes, C-banding and indirect immunoperoxidase staining in Cynops orientalis and Pachytriton brevipes
S. K. Sessions, Leon, P. E., Kezer, J.1982Cytogenetics of the Chinese giant salamander, Andrias davidianus (Blanchard): the evolutionary significance of cryptobranchoid karyotypes
T. Seto, Utsunomiya, Y., Utsunomiya, T.1982Karyotypes and banding patterns of Tylototriton andersoni Boulenger, a newt endemic to the Ryukyu islands
L. Fei, Ye C.1982A new species of salamander from Hubei province–Hynobius flavomaculatus
R. A. Nussbaum, Jr E. D. Brodie1982Partitioning of the Salamandrid Genus Tylototriton Anderson (Amphibia: Caudata) with a Description of a New Genus
T. Utsunomiya1982Reproductive Behavior of Male Tylototriton andersoni Observed in our Laboratory
J. P. Risch1983Cynops orphicus, a new salamander from Guangdong province, south China (Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae)
L. Fei, Ye C.1983A new genus of the salamander family Hynobiidae
Z. Kou, Xing Y.1983A New Species of Cynops from Yunnan
Z. Huang, Tang, Z., Tang, Z.1983A new species of the genus Trituroides from Guangxi, China
L. Fei, Ye C.1983A New Subspecies of Cynops cyanurus from Chuxiong, Yunnan (Caudata, Salamandridae)
D. Yang1983A new subspecies of Cynops cyanurus in Yunnan (Caudata: Salamandridae)
M. Sparreboom1983On the sexual behaviour of Paramesotriton caudopunctatus (Liu & Hu) (Amphibia: Caudata: Salamandridae)
L. Fei, Ye C.1983Taxonomic study on Hynobiidae including a new genus Pseudohynobius (Amphibia: Caudata)
G. E. Freytag1983Zur systematischen Stellung von Trituroides caudopunctatus Liu & Hu, 1973. Morphometrische und röntgenanatomische Befunde (Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae)


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